
Goodbye 2014, Hello 2015...

So another year has passed us by and we are now in 2015, the year of flying cars and self-tying shoes according to Back to the Future II. I am not the biggest fan of New Year, as the more exciting things for me always happen towards the end of the year, and I always find January and February to be quite dull and miserable months. However, I always set some resolutions at the beginning of the year as a personal challenge for myself, even though most of them have been forgotten in a couple of months. I am going to try my hardest this year though, and make 2015 even better than 2014...

1. Become more active
Every year this ends up on my list of resolutions as I am really not an active person at all. However, I am going to make the effort this year and get into running, as I would love to run the half-marathon in my home town towards the end of the year. I have only ever occasionally gone running, so this should be quite the challenge, but one I am really going to push myself with. 

2.Wear sunscreen more often
Quite a random resolution, but one that is actually very easy to carry out. As most people know, wearing an SPF daily, even on cloudy days, is essential for healthy skin, as well as preventing early aging. As it is just an extra step in my skincare routine, it is definitely a resolution that I can easily complete. 

3. Eat more healthily
I am always trying to incorporate more healthy food into my diet, yet I always end up reaching for the pizza, chocolate etc. However, as I am to become more fit this year with the running, I also need to clean up my food habits, swapping more of the bad stuff for the good green stuff, and finding a balance that is easy to maintain throughout the year.

4. Blog more
Towards the end of last year I managed to upload to my blog a lot more regularly, finding a good balance between schoolwork and blog posts. I want to continue with that improvement, uploading more than once a week, with fresh and exciting content, as well as keeping more organized with my blogging. 

What are your New Year's Resolutions?

Megan x

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